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Department of Applied statistics
Li Yong

Li Yong, Ph.D., Professor

School of Statistics, Beijing Normal University

Address: No.19 Xinjiekouwai St., Beijing, P.R.China

Zip Code: 100875

Email: liyong@bnu.edu.cn


Li Yong, male, born in September 1958, Professor of Beijing Normal University, doctoral supervisor. In 1991, he received the Ph.D degree of science in Beijing Normal University.


Dr.Li has worked as vice president of Statistical Education Society of China, and a committee member of Statistics Teaching Steering Committee.

Main Project

Dr.Li  has presided over a number of National Natural Science Foundation of China, the national key basic research and development plan (973 Plan), National Excellent Course Construction project.


Dr.Li has been engaging in statistical theory, statistical application and statistical teaching work for a long time, and has participated with the total 8 writings of monographs or textbooks and more than 60 academic papers. He has also trained over 50 masters and doctors of Statistics.

Li Yong. Probability theory(M). Beijing: Beijing Normal University Press,2013

Zhang Jiyanyue, Li Yong, Bai Tao, Zhang Shumei: 2-3A Version (M) of mathematics elective for experiment textbook of ordinary senior high school, Beijing: People's Education Press,2009(the third edition)

Li Yong, Zhang Shumei: Introduction to Statistics(M), Beijing: People's Posts and Telecommunications Press,2007

Li Yong, Zhang Shumei, Song Lili, Yang Zhaoyu, Jiang Peijin, Li Jianhua: 1-2A Version (M) of mathematics elective for experiment textbook of ordinary senior high school, Beijing: People's Education Press,2007(the second edition)

Li Jianhua, Song Lili, Zhang Shumei, Zuo Huailing, Zhang Jianyue, Li Yong, Guo Huiqing. 3A Version (M) of mathematics required for experiment textbook of ordinary senior high school, Beijing: People's Education Press,2007(the third edition)

Li Yong, Zhang Shumei, Song Lili, Zhang Weiyi. Risk and decision making(M),4-9A Version (M) of mathematics elective for experiment textbook of ordinary senior high school, Beijing: People's Education Press,2007

Tang Shouzheng, Li Yong, Statistical basis of biological mathematics(M), Beijing: Science Press,2002

Li Yong,.Introduction to the TeXAmSTeX and Latex(M), Beijing: Higher Education Press, 2000

 Siming Li, Yao Sheng, and Yong Li*. The quasi-stochastically constrained least squares method for ill linear regression. To appear in Communications in Statistics Theory and Methods.

H.Zheng, Y.Li*, J.M.Chen, T.Wang, Q.Huang, W.X.Huang, S.M.Li, W.P.Yuan, S.P.Zhang, Z.Q.Chen, and F.Jiang. A global carbon assimilation system based on a dual optimization method. Biogeosciences Discuss. , 2014, 11:14269–14317. Doi:10.5194/bgd-11-14269-2014.

Bai Yuejin, Wang Yinning, Li Yong. An Improved Alternative To Dynamic Model Used In Carbontracker, Journal of Beijing Normal University (Natural Science), 2014, 50(1):12-19.

  Heng Zheng, Yong Li*, Jingming Chen, Ting Wang, Qing Huang, Yao Sheng. Applying a dual optimization method to quantify carbon fluxes: Recent progress in carbon flux inversion. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2014, 59(2):222-226.

Zheng X.G., Wu G.C., Zhang S.P., Liang X., Dai Y.J., Li Y. Using Analysis State to Construct Forecast Error Covariance Matrix in EnKF Assimilation. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 2013, 30(5): 1303-1312.

 Wu G, Zheng X, Wang L, Zhang S, Liang X, Li Y. A new structure for error covariance matrices and their adaptive estimation in EnKF assimilation. Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc. 2013139(672):795-804.

Siming Li, Yong Li and Jiao Jin. Adaptive trimmed mean as a location estimate. Journal of Systems Science and Complexity,  201225(5):973-986.

Wenxian Huang, Xiaohua Douglas Zhang, Yong Li, William Wuhao Wang, Keith Soper. Standardized median difference for quality control in high-throughput screening. 2012 International Symposium Information Technology in Medicine and Education, 2012, 515-518. DOI: 10.1109/ITiME.2012.6291354

Liang X, Zheng X, Zhang S, Wu G, Dai Y, Li Y. Maximum likelihood estimation of inflation factors on error covariance matrices for ensemble Kalman filter assimilation. Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc. 2011, 138:263–273.

Lu Shaochuan and Li Yong. Spatio-temporal epidemic type aftershock sequence model for Tangshan aftershock sequence. Earthquake Science,2011, 24(5):401-408. DOI: 10.1007/s11589-011-0802-6

Yong Li, Shengjun Dang and Shaochuan Lu. Underground water stress release models. Earthquake Science, 2011, 24(4): 335-342. DOI:10.1007/s11589-011-0796-0

Guocan Wu, Xiaogu Zheng, Jiang Guo and  Yong Li*. Chinese Regional High Space-time Resolution Fusion Rainfall Model Exploration Based on Site and Remote Sensing Data, 2011 International Conference on Electrical and Control Engineering, 2011, 4:3388-3391, ISBN: 978-1-4244-8163-7. DOI: 10.1109/ICMT.2011.6002653

Yao Sheng, Guocan Wu, Xiaogu Zheng and Yong Li*. Prediction Method of the Transformed Data. 2011 International Conference on Electrical and Control Engineering, 2011, 6:5365- 5367 , ISBN:978-1-4244-8163-7. DOI: 10.1109/ICECENG.2011.6058256

Guocan Wu, Xiaogu Zheng and Yong Li*. Inflation on Erro Covariance Matrix of Ensemble Kalman Filter. The 2nd International Conference on Multimedia Technology, 2011, 3:2160-2163, ISBN: 978-1-61284-772-6.

Wu Guocan, Zheng Xiaogu, Li Yong(corresponding author). Improvement On Ensemble Kalman Filter Of Nonlinear Observational Operator. Journal of Beijing Normal University(Natural Science), 2010, 46(6)671-674.

Xu Song, Li Yong. A Parameter Estimate Method For Identified Simultaneous Equations Model. Journal of Beijing Normal University(Natural Science), 2010, 46(5)555-559.

Li Yong, Zhang Shumei. Thinking about the presentation mode in the test of independent knowledge of senior school textbooks. Mathematical Bulletin. 201049(11)25-26.

Zhang Jianyue, Li Yong. Actively carry out the "statistics and probability" teaching research. Mathematics in primary and secondary schools (edition of middle school). 2010, 41-3.


 The outstanding achievement award of the China Earthquake Administration;

The outstanding achievement award for earthquake prevention and disaster reduction

The Beijing higher education teaching achievement award;

The Beijing municipal colleges and universities teaching award;

The Baosteel outstanding teacher award.


Copyright 2014 Beijing Normal University School of Statistics. All rights reserved.