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Multi-regional sub-national MRIOs for policy making in China: Using the Chinese MRIO Lab (No.4, 2016)

Report time: On May 4, 2016 (Wednesday) 2:30p.m.

Report place: The third conference room in Jingshi Academic Hall

Reporter: Prof. Yafei Wang

AbstractSignificantly unbalanced development and heterogeneity across Chinese regions has been identified and acknowledged in various researches using Chinese multi-reginal input-output tables (MRIOs). However, all currently available Chinese MRIOs have low resolution, either at provincial or grand regions or broad sectors. None of them is available as further detailed regions and sectors. And at the time of their release the most recent tables are at least five years out of date. We use collaborative virtual laboratory concepts and its principle and integrate as much as possible Chinese official input-output tables, census data, and macro-aggregates to build a multi-regional sub-national MRIO Lab for China. The innovation of this new Chinese MRIO lab is that it can generate regionally and sectorally very detailed tables based on users’ own research questions. Our China Lab currently covering the longest and latest data can support central and local governments to make more specific policies for whatever detailed regions in China and also help to exam previous policies and guide better policy improvements.

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