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报告主题:Place-based Land Policy and Spatial Misallocation: Theory and Evidence from China



主 讲 人:黄子彬 助理教授(上海财经大学)

报告摘要:Place-based policies may create spatial misallocation. We investigate a major policy in China that aims to reduce regional development gaps by distributing more urban land quotas to underdeveloped inland regions. We first show evidence that this policy decreased firm-level TFP in more developed eastern regions relative to inland regions. We then build a prefecture-level quantitative spatial equilibrium model with migration, land constraints, and agglomeration. The model reveals that this policy led to substantial national TFP and output losses. The regional output gap shrank, but workers from underdeveloped regions reduced their migration to developed regions and earned less. Counterfactuals show that national TFP and urban output would have been 6.4% and 2.3% higher in 2010 if the policy change had not been implemented, and workers from underdeveloped regions would have 1.1% higher incomes. This inland-favoring policy reduced geographical output gaps but at the cost of hurting workers from underdeveloped regions. Instead, regional monetary transfer policies could reduce regional inequality without increasing spatial misallocation.

主讲人简介:黄子彬,上海财经大学商学院助理教授,美国罗切斯特大学(University of Rochester)经济系博士,主要研究领域包括劳动经济学,教育经济学与城市经济学。黄子彬老师长期关注中国的城镇化、人口流动与流动家庭子女教育问题,研究成果被《Labour Economics》等期刊接收,并有多篇工作论文在《Review of Economics and Statistics》、《Journal of Development Economics》等一流国际学术期刊R&R。曾参与国家自然科学基金重大课题,阿里巴巴集团活水计划研究课题等项目。荣获范德堡大学经济系硕士项目最佳毕业生,罗切斯特大学经济系最佳博士论文等荣誉。