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【预告】【经济统计Seminar】 Open Presentation on The Methodology of International Comparison Program (ICP)

Topic】:The Methodology of International Comparison Program (ICP)


Date】:Wednesday 13 May 2015 – Friday 15 May 2015AM930-1230PM2:00-4:00




Lecturer】:Prof. Michel Mouyelo-Katoula



This course reviews the statistical theory and methods underlying the estimate of purchasing power parities (PPPs) and real expenditure, including 1) disclosing the theory, concepts, and methods underlying estimates enhances the transparency of the ICP process; 2) fully understanding the strengths, limitations, and assumptions underlying the estimates.

Session 1Introductory session: Objectives and basic principles of comparison

Session 2The ICP Framework

Session 3Comparison resistant areas

Session 4Gross Fixed Capital Formation

Session 5Computation issues

Session 6Data Access Policy


Introduction of Lecturer】:

Michel Mouyelo- Katoula is the former Global Manager of the International Comparison Program,

World Bank Group. He completed his post- graduate studies in Paris, France, and records 37 years

of high level international experience in statistics, economics and planning, as well as lecturing in

universities and international statistical training institutes, and consulting for several major

international organizations. Of these 37 years, 28 were devoted to the International Comparison

Program (ICP) . He worked 6 years for Eurostat, the Statistical Office of the European Union, then

became the Director of a Luxembourg- based statistical institution, EuroCost, for 11years, before

being recruited as Regional Coordinator of the ICP for Africa(5 years), and subsequently Manager

of the Statistical Capacity Building Division at the African Development Bank( 2 years). He was

appointed Global Manager of the International Comparison Program in 2009 which he has since

been leading at the World Bank Group in Washington DC.