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报告主题:Gender Difference in Parental Investment in Education



主 讲 人:蒋旭(中国人民大学)

报告摘要:This study provides robust evidence of a reversed gender disparity in parental investment in children's education. Our analysis reveals that parents allocate a relatively greater amount of financial resources to support their daughters' education compared to sons. This can be explained by an expectation-adjustment process. Boys consistently demonstrate lower academic performance, even in traditionally male-dominated subjects such as mathematics, leading to a widening gender gap in parental expectation of test scores. Consequently, parents tend to allocate relatively fewer educational resources towards their sons compared to the daughters.

主讲人简介:蒋旭,中国人民大学财政金融学院博士生,研究方向为发展经济学、劳动经济学和教育经济学,主要关注教育、儿童发展、性别差异等研究主题。目前已在国际权威期刊Journal of Development Economics发表学术论文。参加多项教育相关研究项目,包括职普分流实地调研。