Junlong Zhao
Professor, School of Statistics, Beijing Normal university.
Email: zhaojunlong928@126.com;
Address: School of Statistics, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875
1、Education and working experience
2019.7— Professor, School of Statistics, Beijing Normal University
2016.1—2019.6 Associate Professor, School of Statistics, Beijing Normal University
2007.5—2015.12 Associated/Assistant Professor, Beihang university.
2014.3—2015.3 Visiting Scholar, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
2013.7—2013.9 Visiting Scholar Hong Kong Baptist University
2011.3—2011.9 Visiting Scholar National University of Singapore
2004.3—2007.3 Ph.D. Beijing Institution of Technology, 2007
2、Research Interests
High dimensional data analysis, Machine learning, Robust statistics
3、 Selected Publications (* denotes the corresponding author):
[1] Junlong Zhao, Xiumin Li, Hansheng Wang, Chenlei Leng (2021) Dimension reduction for covariates in network data.Biometrika. doi:10.1093/biomet/asab006.
[2] Mengyu Li, Junlong Zhao* (2021) Communication-Efficient Distributed Linear Discriminant Analysis for Binary Classification. Statistica Sinica (In press).
[3] Yiwei Fan, Xiaoling Lu, Yufeng Liu, Junlong Zhao*(2020) Angle-based hierarchical classification using exact label embedding. Journal of American Statistical Association doi:10.1080/01621459.2020.1801450
[4] Lu Niu, Xiumin Liu, Junlong Zhao* (2020) Robust estimator of the correlation matrix with sparse Kronecker structure for a high-dimensional matrix-variate. Journal of Multivariate Analysis. 177: 104598
[5] Junlong Zhao, Chao Liu, Lu Niu, Chenlei Leng, (2019) Multiple influential point detection in high dimensional regression spaces, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B. 81(2), 385–408. https://rss.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/rssb.12311
[6] Junlong Zhao, Guan Yu, Yufeng Liu, (2018) Assecing the robustness of classification in angular breakdown point. The Annals of Statistics. 46, 3362–3389.
[7] Junlong Zhao, Chenlei Leng, Lexin Li, Hansheng Wang (2013). High dimensional influence measure. The Annals of Statistics 41(5), 2639-2667
[8] Lu Niu, Junlong Zhao* (2019) High dimensional semiparametric estimate of latent covariance matrix for matrix-variate. Statistica Sinica,29,1535-1559.
[9] Junlong Zhao, Hongyu Zhao, Lixing Zhu (2018) Pivotal variable detection of the covariance matrix and its application to high-dimensional factor models. Statistics and Computing. 28(4), 775-793.
[10] Lan Wei, Yingying Ma, Junlong Zhao, Hansheng Wang, Thai-Chi Ling(2018), Sequential model averaging for high dimensional linear regression models. Statistica Sinica, 28, 449-469.
[11] Junlong Zhao, Lu Niu, Shushi Zhan.(2017) Trace regression model with simultaneously low rank and row (column) sparse parameter. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 116,1-17.
[12] Xuehu Zhu, Tao Wang, Junlong Zhao, Lixing Zhu(2017)Inference for biased tranformation models,Computational Statistic&Data Analysis.109, 105-120.
[13] Junlong Zhao*, Chenlei Leng (2016). An analysis on penalized interaction model. Bernoulli, 22(3), 1937–1961.
[14] Xiaoling Lu, Junlong zhao, Yu Chen, Hansheng, Wang. (2016) A choice model with a diverging choice set for POI data analysis. Statistics and Its Interface, 9, 355–363.
[15] Lele Huang, Junlong Zhao*, Huiwen Wang, Siyang Wang. (2016) Robust Shrinkage Estimation and Selection for Functional Multiple Linear Model Through LAD Loss. Computational statistics & data analysis.103, 384-400.
[16] Xuhua Liu, Junlong Zhao, Na Li, (2016) A confidence distribution approach to inferring the among-group variance component in one-way random effects model with unequal error variances, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 2016, (171), 79-91.
[17] Junlong Zhao, Chenlei Leng, (2014). Structured Lasso with matrix covariates in regression. Statistica Sinica. 24, 799-814.
[18] Junlong Zhao (2013). Asymptotic convergence of dimension reduction based boosting in classification. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 143, 651–662.
4、Grants (Principal Investigator)
[1]. 2019.1--2022.12 The National Nature Science Foundation of China (No.11871104)
[2]. 2015.1--2018.12 The National Nature Science Foundation of China (No.11471030)
[3]. 2012.1--2014.12 The National Nature Science Foundation of China (No.11101022)
[4]. 2011.1--2011.12 The National Nature Science Foundation of China (No. 11026049)
[5]. 2011.1--2013.12 The Ministry of education of Humanities and Social Science project (No.10YJC910013)