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Yang Zhou

Yang Zhou, is now a lecturer in the Department of Mathematical Statistics, School of Statistics, Beijing Normal University. His research interests include high-dimensional and functional data analysis, statistical learning theory.

Education and Employment

2022-          Lecturer, School of Statistics, Beijing Normal University

2020-2022  Postdoc, School of Mathematical Science, Peking University

2014-2020  Ph.D., School of Mathematical Science, Beihang University

2010-2014  B.S., School of Mathematical Science, Beihang University



[1] Yang, Zhou, Mark Koudstaal, Dengdeng Yu, Dehan Kong, Fang Yao, Nonparametric Principal Subspace Regression. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 2022, 23, 1-28.

[2] Yang, Zhou, Di-Rong Chen, The Optimal Rate for Prediction when Predictor and Response are Functions. Analysis and Applications, 2020, 18, 697-714.

[3] Yang, Zhou, Di-Rong Chen, The Optimal Rate of Canonical Correlation Analysis for Stochastic Processes. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 2020, 207, 276-287.

[4] Yang, Zhou, Di-Rong Chen, Wei Huang, A Class of Optimal Estimators for the Covariance Operator in Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 2019, 169, 166-178.



[1] Recovery, Test and Correlation for Sparse Functional Data, China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (Special Program, No. 2020TQ0014), 2020-22, PI

[2] Some Problems for Sparse Functional Data, China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (General Program, No. 2020M680226), 2020-22, PI


Contact Information

Affiliation: School of Statistics, Beijing Normal University

Address: Room 212, 19 XinJieKouWai St, Haidian Dist, Beijing 100875, China

Email: bnu_zhouy@bnu.edu.cn